Söğüt Pharmacy


Söğüt Pharmacy is a pharmacy located in Söğüt district of Bilecik. You can reach to Söğüt Pharmacy via Osman Gazi Cad. No: 2/B, Orta Mah., Söğüt, Bilecik address. Click to following link for pharmacies in Bilecik and other pharmacies in Bilecik Söğüt.

Address Osman Gazi Cad. No: 2/B, Orta Mah., Söğüt, Bilecik

About Pharmacy

  • Are there dermocosmetic and herbal medicine sales?
  • Is the pharmacy clean?
  • Are there enough staff?
  • Are credit cards accepted?
  • Is private health insurance accepted?

Pharmacy Rating

  • Decoration, lighting
  • Employee interest
  • Space spaciousness
  • Easy access

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